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Jun 09 .2023 70

How many times can silicone dolls be used?

1. There are two types of physical dolls: one is made of silicone material, and the other is made of tpe material. 80% of the dolls on the market are made of tpe material. tpe material is more tear resistant, soft, and suitable for use compared to silicone dolls, while silicone material is relatively hard, which is more suitable for display and racket. If it is only used for display and racket, it will be no problem for many years. If it is used for "use", tpe material is better. If it is cherished, it should be maintained frequently, It can take 5 years without any problem.
2. There is no limit to the number of times silicone dolls can be used. Generally, good quality dolls can last for 5-10 years. The first domestic brand to create realistic physical dolls has a good reputation, with wax figurine technology and silicone tips that are almost as realistic and beautiful as real people. It has been used for a year and a half now and is well preserved.
3. The duration of the physical doll depends on the frequency of use. If used for a long time, various parts of the doll may wear out quickly. If the doll is not made of high-quality materials, some parts may even fall off. That's why some dolls are detachable or replaceable parts.

--Reprinted from the public account: Entity doll combat experience
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