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Jan 10 .2024 76

Doctor's guidance on using physical dolls

Physical dolls are a must-have for single or solitary men who value personal health and are full of romantic feelings when traveling from home. This statement is not an exaggeration, at least in Western countries where sexual attitudes are highly open.
At this point, some men may raise the question: why do physical dolls still need to wear condoms before venting their anger?
Experts point out that using a physical doll to vent fire without wearing a condom can not only cause abrasions on the glans and penis, but also increase the risk of prostatitis in men.
Next, let's take a look at several situations where using a physical doll to "vent fire" without wearing a condom can easily cause male prostatitis:
1. Use substandard, long-term backlog, and improperly stored physical dolls.
As a physical product, physical dolls are often artificially added with a certain amount of pigments and other substances due to factors such as color and elasticity in the production process.
These substances are theoretically harmless to the human body, but only for high-quality and well preserved physical dolls. On the contrary, in substandard, long-term backlog, and improperly preserved physical dolls, these substances not only have the problem of exceeding the content limit, but also have the risk of precipitation.
When used without wearing a condom, these substances can enter the prostate through the male urethra, causing irritation to the prostate and inducing acute prostatitis.
2. Incomplete cleaning after use.
Some lazy men, after venting their "fire", sleep under their heads and do not pay attention to cleaning and sealing the physical dolls. In this way, not only will it accelerate the aging of physical dolls, but it is also easy to cause the growth of bacteria in frequently used "parts".
When used without wearing a condom, these bacteria can enter the prostate through the male urethra, forming irritation to the prostate and inducing bacterial prostatitis.
3. Multiple people take turns using it.
Some men, who value loyalty, take turns using the same physical doll. In this way, in addition to sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, some highly infectious prostatitis (such as mycoplasma and chlamydia prostatitis) can be transmitted to each other through this way.

--Reprinted from the public account: Entity doll combat experience
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