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How long can a half body silicone doll last?

Other half body silicone dolls only need to be used for some physical desires, just like human sticks, and will not give people any sense of beauty, because usually only when you have that desire after watching some small movies, you can use half body silicone dolls for a while, of course, it is only used for a while, and there are not many other effects.
Assuming that from a purely desire perspective, a semi physical silicone doll is actually not worth it, perhaps just a little better than using hands. Therefore, for many people, half body silicone dolls cannot be used for long because they have no desire to continue using them, and they will be thrown away in a few moments. Assuming there is still demand in that area in the future, we will also purchase the full body silicone doll.
How long can a half body silicone doll last? Before answering this question, we need to understand the structure of a semi solid silicone doll. Assuming it is made entirely of silicone, it can be used for about 8 years under normal circumstances. Assuming it is a combination of silicone and inflation, it is uncertain how long it can last, as the inflation part is very easily damaged and may break down quickly.

--Reprinted from the public account: Entity doll combat experience
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